Intermediate Maneuvers: return banked ships into a close formation

There are some standard problems in X-Wing that can be seen again and again. Turning a swarm while maintaining a broad front is one. I've seen this one on a recorded game and it got me wondering how to continue without making range control easy for an opponent.Moving in close formation is often unnecessary. But … Continue reading Intermediate Maneuvers: return banked ships into a close formation

Target Priority

How do you identify the correct target?The choice you make when you sit down at the table and form your plan for the game. The correct target priorities for the entire game, not the tactical choice in a specific situation. Correct always carries the implicit question “correct for what?”, so don’t forget your immediate objective: … Continue reading Target Priority

List Spotlight: “The Big XXX Deal”

This past weekend, 27./28.7.19, was the Paris System Open. I was unexpectedly able to go, and I took it as an opportunity to get some much-needed practice for the upcoming Continental Championship ("Euros") in Krakow, Poland, in a month. The battle reports for both the main event with my Five A-Wings and for the side … Continue reading List Spotlight: “The Big XXX Deal”

The Very Basics 2: Single, Small Ship Maneuvers

Once you know about the general dimensions of the board and ships, you should learn about the maneuvers. They are the core element of the game. Some people are better at estimating positions from their professions, years of other tabletop games or other reasons. Others practice a lot - which is possible and really helps. … Continue reading The Very Basics 2: Single, Small Ship Maneuvers

Inert Fat Han: Myths and Reality

The list:Han Solo (82)Trick Shot (2)Luke Skywalker (26)Kanan Jarrus (12)R2-D2 (Crew) (8)Engine Upgrade (7)Millennium Falcon (6)Inertial Dampeners (1) Total: 144 Myth: Han was available from the beginning and no one figured it out until now.Reality: Inert Fat Han was made widely known by an official ruling on March 21st. Before that, the interaction was up … Continue reading Inert Fat Han: Myths and Reality

NPE, the “Logic of Strategy” and X-Wing

We can often hear on podcasts “sure, a bad player will do X, but a good player simply won’t.” I agree as long as they are talking about unforced errors. Flying around by yourself through some asteroids should always fit, and a mistake there is entirely on the player. But what about forced errors? Isn’t … Continue reading NPE, the “Logic of Strategy” and X-Wing